WinCC Unified on Edge - Date Timezone usage in Scripts!

Dear team I am working on a key project where i need to use the TagLogging WriteManualValue function for operators to enter and log historical measurements.  I am having trouble with making sure the Date part is correct. I have checked that the browser is in the correct locale, and the trend control is set up to display data in the correct manner. HOWEVER, i need the operator to enter data and select a date/time in the recent past. so i need to read the date time and save the data using WriteManualValue.  Problem is that whatever I do, javascript seems to be recording the entered time as GMT!! even though the machine is hosted in Germany, and time is current in CET.  Is there a bug where javascript in WinCC does not recognise the local time zone?? OTHERWISE, is there a runtime setting for me to specify the runtime timezone? THANK YOU!
1 answers

Unified scripting is always running on server side. So in case of WinCC Unified for Industrial Edge, the system time of your IED is used if you use the DATE-object in JavaScript. 

Please have a look to following link to deal with the DATE-object in JavaScript:



