Mendix Application on IED Stops Immediately After Launch

Hi everyone, I'm following the Mendix Industrial Edge learning path and trying to deploy a Mendix application on my IED (BX-39A) using the Industrial Edge plugin (Mendix 10). I'm currently using Mendix version 10.11.0. During the plugin configuration, I closely followed the tutorial by connecting to my IEHUB, IEM, and Docker Daemon. When configuring the deployment of my application, I selected the template "Mendix app using a MySQL service" as docker-compose. I removed the lines: CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITIES_BASE64: >- <BASE64 ENCODED VALUE> Attached is the docker-compose file generated by the plugin. The upload phase of the application completes successfully, and my application arrives on my IEM. I then install it on my IED. However, when I try to run the application, it stops immediately. The logs consistently show these three error messages: ERROR: Java subprocess terminated with error code 0 ERROR: Starting the JVM process did not succeed... ERROR: Starting application failed: Cannot start the Mendix runtime. Most likely, the runtime is already active or still active I wonder if this could be a version issue with Java or a problem with the Mendix image. If anyone has any suggestions or solutions, I would greatly appreciate your help as I haven't been able to find a fix yet. Thanks in advance! Arthur
1 answers

Hello Mr Arthur,


I hope you are well. Thank you for reaching out.


From the images you attached, I can see that the license is not verified, which is causing the alert: "License is not verified. Application may crash on IED."


Please ensure that you correctly enter the IEHUB data and that the Mendix license is available.


MxE License.png


Then, try again and let me know if the issue persists.


Looking forward to your response.


Best regards,

Rafael Curiel.
