IED Not responding to Jobs from IEM

Considering an IEM V v1.9.5 and 2x IED IPC227E v2.2.0-25.   I have transferred the two IEDs from IEM OS to the described IEM V (new installation).  Afterward, one of the IEDs is working as expected.  Nevertheless, the second one does not respond to the jobs from the IEMV.  I was only able to deploy the Common Configurator.         Also, I can navigate through the IED, but if I want, for instance, to send a reboot or see actual information about it, it does not work/update its behaviour.     What can be recommended to do in this case?
1 answers

Hi Abel,

is your IED shown as online on both IEMs, ir is it shown as online only in your IEMV?

Did you make any changes in the .zip file downloaded from your source IEM before uploading it to the desination IEM?


Best regards,

