My User Group invitation

Hello,   Why the user, who has created her/his own UserGroup and added the application from AppProjects, can't see the "Invite" and "Members" buttons?   Is it because the creator of a group is also its member? And because this newly created user's group has assigned a specific role (e.g., co-owner) that has no permission to manage groups (?)      Best regards, Petr
4 answers

Hello Petr,

thanks for the clarification, now I understand your challange.

You can find information about how to handle the Groups in the following section of the documenation:


Navigate to the IEM Groups section and you will find the needed information.


To summarize: When you create a User or Admin Group a now Role in the IAM (Keycloak) will be created. This role needs to be assigned to the dedicated persons. Once assigend they have access to the devices.

As a requirement you need to have access to the IAM for sure, to assign the roles to the users.


I hope this makes it more clear for you.




Hello Petr,

did you already check the User Management in the new IEM Types? The User Groups are handled in a different way here (There is no Invite Button anymore at all).

The IEM-OS you are currently using is already deprecated, so I would like to suggest to check the one of the new IEM Types and how the User Groups are handled there.


Hi Norman,


Thank you for your assistance.


I am pretty sure we don’t use IEM OS anymore, but there is no chapter about the ‘App Project’ like there is under IEM OS - App Projects. I mean, there is no documentation (or at least I can’t find it) for the Industrial Edge Management App (IEAM) relating to ‘App Projects’ in case of the new IEM Types — i.e., the creation of the project, then the creation of the app itself, adding the app to a user group, and so on. I can find a description of those topics only under IEM OS (thus that screenshot in the original message). When we proceed intuitively, we end up with our own app folder under the ‘App Projects’ tab alongside the ‘Authorized App’ folder, but no one else has our app under the ‘Authorized App’. The only way to make it work is for the app project to be created by the ‘admin’ of IEM.







MyUserGroup group




**)   By the way, how can I check which version of the IEM ecosystem we use (IEM Pro, Virtual, OS, etc.)? As a user, when I connect to the IEM address, I can only see the versions of:





IEMA - redesigned



IEMA - original design




Best regards,



Hello Norman,


I think I have fully grasped it.


There was probably another thing that might have been confusing to me.

The “Role” in the UI window below has nothing to do with IEM User Group rights but is related to managing the project’s app itself (which will be added to the User Group in the next step) by other users (assigned to an IAM role :) .



It is quite clear from the question mark help though.




Thanks for your support!


Best regards,

