OPC Router marketplace availability

Hello,   We have noticed that there is an OPC Router application for IED, as mentioned on the OPC Router website and in the Siemens documentation. However, when I search for this application in the Siemens Industrial Edge marketplace, it is not listed, and the link from the documentation page is also broken. I receive an error message stating that '3PINRAY0002 is not a valid product.'   Can anyone explain why these third-party apps are being marketed but are not available for purchase on the Siemens marketplace?   https://www.opc-router.com/opc-router-and-siemens-industrial-edge/ https://docs.industrial-operations-x.siemens.cloud/r/en-us/industrial-edge-platform-operation-intro/build-your-use-case/edge-apps-overview/o/opc-router-enterprise-edition-by-inray-industriesoftware-gmbh   Thanks.   Best regards, Petr
1 answers

Hi Petr, 

Thank you for your interest. We have divided the G2M together with Inray into stages regarding countries, currently we are only active in Germany, and therefore the app is only displayed in the Marketplace if your browser is set to German. Availability is currently being enabled for your country and many others. Let's discuss further in a phone call. Invitation gladly to dominik.fuerst@siemens.com

