Hi Team,
I am trying to create API’s on Mendix Platform.
Can we use external API’s instead of drawing entity diagrams by adding JSON and creating API’s.
if it is small application we can create 10 to 20 entity diagrams and can generate API’s, but if it is big application where we need to create 100’s of API’s, how can we do that?
It is very difficult to create API’s through Mendix platform
Hi Sravanthi,
In mendix you can consume the external API. for that you need to know the endpoint of the URL you are going to consume and HTTP method and if there is an authentication you need to use that to.
all those thing you need to configure using the mictrflow activity called call Rest. and need to use an import mapping to mapp the data from external application to mendix application.
Hi Sravanti,
The process for accessing external API's is pretty nice for me, especially with the mapping. Each entity is for the CRUD operations so a small app may call 20 endpoints and require 5 entities. Maybe I'm not understanding the issue?
I find the API creation great.