Expose paging queries and properties for microflows used in published OData services - Mendix Forum

Expose paging queries and properties for microflows used in published OData services


Published OData services with microflows as source would be much easier to build if query parameters could be directly passed to microflow attributes.

e.g. the $top and $skip queries would be passed as parameters to the datasource microflows.

This could work similarly to REST services where query parameters are mapped to microflow parameters.

It would also be good to have a way to generate the “@odata.nextLink” field in the response – e.g. by adding this as an attribute in the ODataResponse.

1 answers

I completely agree. The provided ODATA functionality works great for PE, but once you need to expose views that don’t map 1:1 with your underlying data model, using ODATA feels like a step down vs conventional REST.
