Preferred casing (e.g. camelCase) when setting up a message definition - Mendix Forum

Preferred casing (e.g. camelCase) when setting up a message definition


Mendix uses PascalCase as default for the domain model, which is perfectly fine.

However, when creating a Message Definition for publishing a REST API, I prefer to use camelCasing (as it is a general recommendation) in the message body.

Please make it possible to automatically use camel case when setting up JSON Message Definitions, because manually changing every attribute is quite cumbersome (see example below).

Thanks a lot!




Manually updated external names:

1 answers

Would be lovely. This is a general recommendation, also by Google, but nothing obligatory.

Some of the big coorporations have choosen a different option:

So I would extend the suggestion of Johan with the option to choose between Pascal, Camel or Snake
