Remove the need for Entity Access to be set to true for ODATA Published Microflows - Mendix Forum

Remove the need for Entity Access to be set to true for ODATA Published Microflows


Hello all,


I’ve been testing the new Published Microflow feature in 10.2 and it’s a very welcome change. It reduces my need to write custom REST APIs when I want to utilize a microservice architecture. However, the achilles heel is that it requires Entity Access to be set to true. This produces a very different implementation than if I were to do the same thing on the REST side. In many cases, I do not want the consuming side to mutate certain attributes on their own (for validation reasons or WORM models), but enforcing entity access means I need to give them write access to the attributes anyway.

Please remove the need to enforce entity access from ODATA Published Microflows.

Edit: There is a workaround (or a bug?) in that you can call sub-microflows without enforcing entity access on those flows, but that seems like a hack and not how mendix works in other scenarios.

1 answers

Hi Ryan, I am the Product Manager for OData at Mendix. Can you contact me at to discuss? Thanks, Andrej
