Settings for a Consumed OData service should not only be statically configurable - Mendix Forum

Settings for a Consumed OData service should not only be statically configurable


The only way for configuring a consumed OData service at the moment is via Constants.

There are several reasons why this is not sufficient:

1. Changing constants requires a restart and redeployment and only persons with access to these app settings can change these

2. Placing passwords in environment constants exposes them

3. Some services might require access tokens which must be renewed

4. Some services require the use of proxies for which the configuration can require dynamic parameters (e.g. when using SAP Cloud Connector)

For all these cases it would be great if there was an option to provide all required settings dynamically. E.g. via a microflow which returns a predefined object containing all required settings. This microflow could e.g. use the current user context for determining the correct configuration or fetch an encrypted password from another source.


This way consumed OData services would be much more flexible in their use.


2 answers

Configuration through the cloud portal is a good default option. The possibility to provide flexibility by offering other options should still be there. This is something I always considered a key strength of the Mendix platform.

Application administrators are not necessarily users of the Mendix cloud portal.

Customers may have strict rules on how passwords should be handled.

Thanks for picking this up


Thanks for the feedback, i've registered your needs on the internal product wishlist.


Regarding 2), starting with 10.9 you'll be able to specify that a constant value should be saved locally or in teamserver. This allows you to keep sensitive secrets on your local machine, and not share them via Teamserver. At the same time you still have the benefit of a unified administration interface to configure any app via the cloud portal. We think this is preferable over every app having its own way to provide configuration, making life for administrators harder.



