OData Properties that are marked Updatable=True in the Service do not relay this information to the client - Mendix Forum

OData Properties that are marked Updatable=True in the Service do not relay this information to the client




I'm building a new OData integration for one of our legacy platforms and the capabilities of Mendix shine here. One thing I am running into though is that Studio Pro & the front-end do not seem to read the 'NonUpdatableProperties' Annotation within the OData metadata document. This creates an odd scenario where the user thinks the value was successfully submitted, but the runtime silently discards it in the backend.


It would instead be nice if Studio Pro behaved the same way with Updatable properties as it does with Insertable ones. They are set to Editable=Never within the designer.





3 answers

I'm looking to replicate a WORM storage model. The mendix front-end can create objects, but they are immutable once created. I know I can replicate this with more steps using a REST api for mutation and OData as the retrieve layer, but I just thought I would try it this way.


Really I'd like to do the same thing with certain attributes with internal entities as well. Think of things like associations that are only ever sat upon creation. You can get around this by doing all object initialization via microflows, but it would be nice if the runtime supported this at some level. If the object state is new / instantiated rather than committed, data is mutable but it is not once it's in the regular committed state.


Could you please give some more details? If there is an attribute that is insertable but not updatable, what should the behavior be?


It looks like the issue has more reduced scope than I originally thought. If the EntitySets are marked as non-insertable, the behavior is exactly like I expect. It's only when they are insertable but not updatable that this behavior occurs.
