It would be awesome if we could have native Mendix functionality to support the use of Payment Request API and Payment Handler API
Some introduction:
The Payment Request API is a W3C standard candidate that is meant to eliminate checkout forms. It vastly improves user workflow during the purchase process, providing a more consistent user experience and enabling web merchants to easily leverage different payment methods.
The Payment Request API is designed to be vendor-agnostic, meaning it does not require use of a particular payment system. It's not a new payment method, nor does it integrate directly with payment processors; rather, it is a conduit from the user's payment and shipping information to merchants, with the following goals
The Payment Request API is an open and cross-browser standard that replaces traditional checkout flows by allowing merchants to request and accept any payment in a single API call. The API allows the web page to exchange information with the user agent while the user is providing input, before approving or denying a payment request.
The deep dive into the Payment request api already makes it quite easy to experiment with this API. By adding this functionality to native Mendix we can strip away the more technical knowledge of creating instances, event handlers etc.. But creating a lot of value with a standardized checkout and payment flow
I'm aware that this feature is still very much in development as cross browser standard. The Payment Request API is already supported in Chrome and Edge, and implementation is well underway in Firefox. By proposing this idea right now I hope it can be placed on the Mendix road map and be released by the time it can be used in all major browsers.
Some more info can be found in the W3C FAQ on the Request API
I guess that depends on the industries one serves, we've created several applications where payments were necessary.
This seems awfully project specific. In my 7 years of doing Mendix projects, I have never created an application where payment was necessary. This would be a great idea for an AppStore module, though.