Refresh home page redirects to SSO

Hello All, In our application, We have implemented the SAML20 for SSO. I followed few steps after implementing SAML. Create copy of index.html rename copied file to index-main.html Add <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=/SSO/" /> in index.html  change SSO configuration constant value              a) DefaultLoginPage – login.html             b) DefaultLogoutPage- login.html             c) SSOLandingPage- index-main.html             d) BindingURI_Redirect – False  Now the issue is whenever i refresh the home page, it calls SSO in URL. Due to this i am getting  multiple SSO entries in SAML request page. Is there any way to fix it? if i will refresh the home page, it should not always come via SSO as user is already authenticated once. One more issue i am facing with this- My local environment always redirect me to  http://localhost:8080/SSO/ when i clicked on view app. i found workaround for this-  when i type http://localhost:8080/index-main.html, it take me up to home page but is there any permanent solution available to fix it? Please let me know if above SSO configuration needs some changes. Please suggest Thanks
1 answers

To solve this question: “My local environment always redirect me to  http://localhost:8080/SSO/ when i clicked on view app.”

Set the Application URL in Projects settings → tab Configuration → click your configuration → tab Server to “http://localhost:8080/index-main.html
