SAML - SPConfiguration is emptied

Hi, we have SAML setup and 98% of the time it works great.  But sometimes, for some unknown reason the SP Configuration settings are emptied and SAML stopps working. (After I fill the settings, create a new XML and import that in the Azure AD all is well again) Does this sound familiair to anyone ?  Doen anyone has a idea where I can start the search ?  Because it seems to be happening spontanious, it could happen on every moment of the day and it does not leave a trace in in the logs, its makes it hard to search for the cause. Thanks ! Ocno   
2 answers

I have never seen this kind of behaviour. The only thing I can think of is when the refresh of the IdP information fails for some reason and that clears the setting. Did you try to stop the daily refresh to see if it solvers your issue? It would mean other problems offcourse but might pinpoint you to the right direction.





SP configuration is saved under SPMetadata which is actually a fileDocument. 

Can you check if there are some cleanup actions scheduled in your code which cleans the file document in general.

Or if the SP Metadata is linked to some of your custom entities which when cleaned either manually or automatically cleans the SP metadata as well. 
