Publishing REST web service

Hi Everyone, Here I have published a REST web service and I got a url in my application. I need to consume it from the other application. So, that could you please help me to consume my published REST web service in another another application by using this url or else in a different way ( using API). I referred a documentation that how to consume , there will be only an API to consume, but in my case I didn’t got any API only I got url, so please help me to consume my published rest web service in another application. Thanks in Advance!
2 answers

Did you try to consume your API by calling it on the given URL with some tool like postman? It’s always helpful when playing around with APIs.



If you mean you have a published REST-service, then Mendix will automatically generate a Swagger page for you. You can find it at http://localhost:8080/rest-doc/

You can use this to base your consumed service on. 

