Mendix REST Service - Intermittent 502 Bad gateway error

Hi All, Our Mendix application exposes a REST service to Jitterbit and Jitterbit would post data to Mendix application in frequent intervals. Mendix application is hosted in AWS VPC. Jitterbit team raised a concern that they are getting HTTP 502 error Bad Gateway response from Mendix intermittently. Below is the error that we see in Mendix logs. "2020/09/07 10:53:21 [error] 76#0: *855 sendfile() failed (32: Broken pipe) while sending request to upstream, client: 10.X.XXX.XXX, server: _, request: \"POST /service/ReceiveDataService HTTP/1.1\", upstream: \"\", host: \"\"" Has anyone faced this issue? Any inputs is much appreciated!!!
1 answers

Did you check the 502 doesnt happen at the same time when you are restarting your app for updates?

Difficult error code to tackle. Could be network issues, or maybe your response time is just too long sometimes?
