oauth 2 authentication on native mobile platform

Hi all, We build a mobile app with mendix and using a custom backend server. On the backend side we use oauth 2 protocol for authentication. (AWS Cognito as oauth implementation). So what we are trying to do is to make user able to login via AWS Cognito using oauth 2 protocol. I see it like an opening web view with cognito login page, then user enters login and password and it redirects back to the app using deep links. I found this oauth implementation https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/1414/ but looks like there’s no mobile support(can someone confirm it, maybe I’m missing something?). Or is there another way to implement oauth 2 authentication with authorization code flow on native mobile app? 
1 answers

There is currently no out-of-the-box solution for SSO for native mobile.

Mendix is working on a solution which will become available in Q4 of this year.


