How to create CSV data in a microflow, which can then be Exported/Pushed via API

Hi I want to be able to create a CSV ‘payload’ as sorts, inside of a microflow. So I’m then able to push that CSV data via an API to an s3 bucket.  I want to do it in the same way you would create a JSON payload, iterate over your entity, create your NP entity with all your values and then the ‘export with mapping’ button to create the final payload.  Is there a standard way to do this, but with CSV instead of JSON?  Or am I going to have to manually create the string for each item I’ve downloaded the CSV module from app store – But not sure on correct implementation.  Thanks!   Solution  1) You can download the CSV Servies module and use that for this type of work. I found it a bit tricky to understand how to implement, and the documentation not overly helpful. But got it working in the end. 2) You can do the simple approach, of just manually creating a string in CSV format, then using the StringToFile java action from community commons. (I ended up using this as it was just simpler and quicker, albeit not as future proof)
2 answers

Did you have a look at the CsvServices module yet? 


That app should definitely give you what you want. If you follow the installation and configuration instructions, and try to use the widget export to CSV, then where do you run into problems?
