Maker of the Month Challenge: October

Hello, Makers!   We’re excited to announce the Maker of the Month challenge of October. What is the challenge you might wonder? We'll challenge you with a new challenge based on the new release every month, the perfect opportunity to test and to show off your Mendix skills. Whoever provides the most creative solution, receives a free fancy Mendix t-shirt and a ‘Maker of the Month’ badge on your developer's profile.      Yes, Data Hub is here! With the launch of Mendix's newest data sharing feature, integration troubles are a thing of the past. You never need to struggle again, we can look back and laugh.   Now that Data Hub makes it so easy to share data, we figured it would be fun to do the ultimate "Old School" integration challenge. That's why the challenge this month is to use one of these free API's to create a compelling use case for a Mendix app. You don't necessarily have to build the app (bonus points if you do tho), but your submission to the challenge should explain, in detail, how you would make it and what problem the app would be solving.   There's a bunch of different ones to choose from, no wrong ideas!   Judging will be based on creativity and real-world application. On top of the regular Maker of the Month badge and t-shirt, this month's winner will be invited to build their idea together with Ryan Mocke in one of our low-code live build series.  Good luck!
2 answers

Hi Team,

I developed an application where user can validate the Phone Number using the Free API Numverify which supports all country numbers.

Phone Number is one of mostly used field for the accounts related apps. So I chose this to integrate it in a Mendix application.

This would be very useful to validate the User input for the Phone field in any business cases.

I created an application with small page where user can enter their Phone Number and Chose the respective country. 

The Response will be displayed based on the entered Phone Number.

I just published this as a rest service too

Steps Implemented to create this application

1.Created an Mendix application

2.Next created a trial account in Numverify and Got an api access key.

3.Created a ValidatePhoneNumber entity as shown below

4.Created a Page where user can enter Phone Number and Chose the Country using dropdown.

5.When user clicks validate button, will hit the Numverify API to get response for the entered data. Response will be displayed in a Popup.

6.Published the same functionality as a rest service as shown below

Thanks Team


Hi Mendix!

During this lonesome days, I've made an application that will talk to you!

In the basis, it uses the IBM TextToSpeech API ( to convert strings to speech. During the development, I found out that most modern browser have a build-in TextToSpeech API (, so I've included this option as well, as the IBM one needs a (free) account to work. 

You will have to select your prefferred TextToSpeechAPI. After testing if it works, you can start working in fun mode! Thanks to the Dad Joke API (, every minute you will get treated with an hilarious Dad Joke to lighten up your day. Future additions are limitless, like a sport mode, which will tell you every 10 minutes to do some small exercises to keep in shape, or the self-assurance mode, giving you compliments throughout the day! You don't even need to be working in the application, only keep your tab open after starting fun mode.

On a more serious note, this is only a proof of concept to show that Mendix applications can be easily used to give vocal notifications. This can be of interest for meeting reminders, getting a vocal heads-up 15 minutes before your meeting starts. Or giving automated announcements in public places. The used voice and spoken text can be made completely dynamic in your Mendix application. Perhaps even chat bots could be given a voice.

Using Pusher, it would also be possible to give vocal notifications to certain end-users who are working in your application. 

For now, the application is still rather crude. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to comment! 

Hope you enjoy!
