Azure Active Directory - Logout

Hi guys, We are trying Create Single Sign On application using Azure Active Directory The SAML Configuration is given below. We are able to login with the Microsoft account but the actual problem comes when we tried to logout. We used a microflow which calls a rest service with the endpoint  “”. It wont terminate the current user session, it just logout of the application and when we try to login it’ll automatically login into the previous session. Please suggest any help to overcome this.
1 answers

Hi Giridharan,

I think you mean that the SAML-module only the Mendix session ends, but not the session of the Identity Provider (AAD). In order to also end the session of the Identity Provider, one should adapt the SAML-module such that it redirects to the logout-request page of the Identity Provider, i.e.

Hopefully this helps a bit!

Kind regards,

