How to access children of JSON structure

Hello, I have a nested structure and I want to know how to access object list over association I imported a JSON structure (simplified): {    "Steps":[       "Created by",       "Checked by",       "Released by"    ],    "Revisions":[       {          "Label":"0",          "Locked":null,          "ProjectRevision":null, ...       } } So I get this structure   But I cannot navigate to a list of Revision objects For datagrid I need a List of Revision objects (NOT RevisionS)      
3 answers

Hello Jeroen,

the RetrieveObject does not help me, actually I want to set all Revision objects (a List) for showing it in datagrid. But the association does not show me. 
Because the JSON structure is nested, I would expect that I could do something like RevisionInfo.Revisions. … because there are 0.. n objects below Revisions (with S), because it is an array (see domain model above)


Hello Jeroen,

oh wow, that seems to be a lot better! I ll try it like this, thank you.
2 RetrieveObject in a row...


Hi Raimund,


The ‘Change object’ action doesn't allow you to do what you want in one go.

You should retrieve the Revision object you want with a ‘Retrieve object’ action before the change object action.

Then the Revision will be available in the change object for you to choose.
