Building an integrated solution through Mendix

Hello there,  we are a university group working on an app-development for a Danish company. The project is about an application for production tasks aiming at improving communication through the use of logbooks. The operators should in the end be able to access, edit and add logbook-notes to enhance their work and its transparency.  We created mock-ups and process-flowcharts with lucidchart and would really appreciate someone’s help in translating these into the actual application on Mendix.  Please feel free to reach out,  kind regards! 
1 answers

If you haven’t done so already, I would suggest completing this learning path:

If you have completed this learning path, the high level steps you’ll need to take are:

  • create a domain model that reflects the data structure your wireframes and process flows from Lucidchart imply
  • create pages that enable administration of your app as well as operation of the app by the users
  • lastly, create microflows to implement the logic in your process flows.

Hope that helps you get started,

