Monitoring Emails In Mendix App

Hi, I have one usecase which I am trying to implement in mendix regarding monitoring emails in mendix app. I find IMAP/POP3 Incoming Email  module regarding this but that  is following pull model while retrieving the emails from IMAP server(one microflow is there getting mails from server). But I am in need to follow Push model, and by push model, I mean to say that as soon as I receive mail in my mail box, it should be available in my mendix app where I can take some action on that mail. So, my requirement is to monitor mails in mendix app and those mails would appear in my app as soon as I received them in my gmail (or any other mail service provider). Once the mail is received in mendix app I want to process it for analysing the content of that mail and this entire work flow should happen automatically. Please suggest valid approach regarding this  ( or with specific solution) in brief. Any help would be appreciated.  
2 answers

But in your case it would still mean a pull model imho. How would otherwise end up the mail in the Mendix app?

Even if you would create a mail address specific for this app it still means a pull from the app to this mail account to be able to process the mail. And I think that last option might be the best. Otherwise each user would need to give their credentials to the Mendix app to be able to retrieve the mail. And from a security perspective I would never allow this. With a special mail adress I can make a rule that certain mails need to be forwarded to this special mail address to be processed by the app. That gives me control.






Hi Vivek,

I agree with Ronald, If you want to implement mail reading from Mendix it will be a PULL model.

Otherwise, if you are keen on PUSH model, then you must develop a consumable service from Mendix which can be called by an external application to PUSH the mails. 

What that application is, will be up to you. 

But if you are developing the external application too just for the sake of following the PUSH model, it is redundant layer. 
