what attribute needs to be passed in datasource while we are using iframe ,along with javascript snippet (where this code is to display the dashboard)

i am using iframe in dataview  where the javascript snippet consists of code that displays the dash board. But what i need to pass as "datasource" ,if i am using iframe in the place of URL ATTRIBUTE  please suggest me the steps
1 answers

The URL Attribute needs to come from your Application entity, so will need to be calculated before you pass it in.

How does the JavaScript snippet work? Does it return a URL that you put into the iFrame, or does it does this itself?

If it returns a URL, you could return this value in a JavaScript action to a Nanoflow that you use as the datasource for the data view.

If the JavaScript just expects to inject into a specifically named iFrame, swap out the iFrame widget for an HTMLSnippet with the iFrame HTML in it before the JavaScript snippet.

Hope this helps
