How to display a dashboard by using iframe and also html snippet.

Hi everyone, i need to display a dash board i have code with   (html and javascript). what is the purpose of iframe using on the pages? . For my requirement :i have taken data view and placed iframe in it and to dispaly a dashboard i have placed html snippet out of the dataview (i have placed javascript and html code in the html snippet).the code is placed in "contents ”of html snippet can i directly display a dashboard without using iframe with html and javascript code?if yes what the steps need to be followed. If not what ever the steps taken by me for my requirement  will it help in anyway .   could you please help me with this.  
1 answers

Hi If you your dashboard as a URL and want to load it in your application, you can use IFRAME widget.

If you have some HTML code along with Javascript then can use HTML snippet.

For IFRAME, the dataview must have an attribute with URL in it. This attribute can be used to load the content from URL.

For HTML, I dont think dataview must be needed. 

Hope this helps
