Kafka module - Mendix 9.0.5

Hi folks. Noticed that Kafka module on mendix version 9.0.5 is with some erros when downloading module into the project (even on an empty project). I’m trying to fix some erros but some entity and microflow missing props are making it a lot harder.   Is there any fix or workaround there in mind?   List of errors in project when you import Kafka module to your project (15 errors):  1-The selected entity 'MxModelReflection.Microflows' no longer exists.Property 'Child' of cross-module association 'Kafka.Consumer_Microflows'Domain modelKafka 2-The selected page 'MxModelReflection.Microflow_Select' no longer exists.Property 'Page' of reference selector 'referenceSelector1'Page 'Consumer_NewEdit'Kafka 3-The selected attribute 'MxModelReflection.Microflows.CompleteName' no longer exists.Property 'Attribute' of reference selector 'referenceSelector1'Page 'Consumer_NewEdit'Kafka 4-The selected entity 'MxModelReflection.Microflows' no longer exists.Property 'Destination entity' of reference selector 'referenceSelector1'Page 'Consumer_NewEdit'Kafka 5-The selected java action 'LibraryLogging.AddLibraryLogListener' no longer exists.Property 'Java action' of call Java action activity 'AddLibraryLogListener'Microflow 'AfterStartup'Kafka 6-The selected java action parameter 'LibraryLogging.AddLibraryLogListener.classpath' no longer exists.Property 'Parameter' of call Java action activity 'AddLibraryLogListener'Microflow 'AfterStartup'Kafka 7-The selected java action parameter 'LibraryLogging.AddLibraryLogListener.logNode' no longer exists.Property 'Parameter' of call Java action activity 'AddLibraryLogListener'Microflow 'AfterStartup'Kafka 8-The selected microflow 'Encryption.Encrypt' no longer exists.Property 'Microflow' of microflow call action activity 'Call microflow'Microflow 'BCo_KeyStore'Kafka 9-The selected parameter 'Encryption.Encrypt.Plain' no longer exists.Property 'Parameter' of microflow call action activity 'Call microflow'Microflow 'BCo_KeyStore'Kafka 10-The selected microflow 'Encryption.Encrypt' no longer exists.Property 'Microflow' of microflow call action activity 'Call microflow'Microflow 'BCo_KeyStore'Kafka 11-The selected parameter 'Encryption.Encrypt.Plain' no longer exists.Property 'Parameter' of microflow call action activity 'Call microflow'Microflow 'BCo_KeyStore'Kafka 12-The selected layout 'NavigationLayouts.Sidebar_Full_Responsive' no longer exists.Property 'Layout'Layout 'DefaultLayout'Kafka 13-The selected placeholder 'NavigationLayouts.Sidebar_Full_Responsive.Main' no longer exists.Property 'Parameter' of content for placeholder 'Main'Layout 'DefaultLayout'Kafka 14-The selected layout 'NavigationLayouts.PopupLayout' no longer exists.Property 'Layout'Layout 'PopupLayout'Kafka 15-The selected placeholder 'NavigationLayouts.PopupLayout.Main' no longer exists.Property 'Parameter' of content for placeholder 'Main'Layout 'PopupLayout'Kafka
2 answers

This module requires also the mxmodel reflection module can be found here


And the library logging module



oh nice, I installed those modules (and Encryption module too) and solved some erros, but still navigation errors  x.x

any ideas on those about layout?   :)


I tried NavigationLayout Module but it doesn’t download on mendix v9.0.5 project.


1-The selected layout 'NavigationLayouts.PopupLayout' no longer exists.Property 'Layout'Layout 'PopupLayout'Kafka
2-The selected placeholder 'NavigationLayouts.PopupLayout.Main' no longer exists.Property 'Parameter' of content for placeholder 'Main'Layout 'PopupLayout'Kafka
3-The selected layout 'NavigationLayouts.Sidebar_Full_Responsive' no longer exists.Property 'Layout'Layout 'DefaultLayout'Kafka
4-The selected placeholder 'NavigationLayouts.Sidebar_Full_Responsive.Main' no longer exists.Property 'Parameter' of content for placeholder 'Main'Layout 'DefaultLayout'Kafka
