Slow Page Loading while Slow REST Service call

Hi All, I have a REST service call, in a microflow. On occasional day the service is very slow because of the backend system. And because of that the microflow which is expected to open the page (after the service call) takes so much time to open the page. Is there any way to check if the service call takes more time I can bypass it and open the page.
3 answers

Do you want the page to show the result of the REST call? If not, then you could process the REST call and corresponding functionality asynchronously using the process queue. That way you will always be able to load the page quickly while the REST call is processed in the background. 


Our Dataview loader widget is specifically made for this purpose. This way you can render/show your page and additional elements, like a datagrid based on your rest call, will be loaded when ready.

Check it out at 


You could use a timeout on the request and ask users to try again later, or maybe you can put the part of the page that depends on the request behind the dataview loader widget. This provides a non blocking spinner so if the pages takes too long to load, your users can navigate elsewhere.
