Call external app from mendix (POST request)

Is there a way to send a POST request from a mendix application directly to another application that is not a mendix (as it is possible using POSTMAN to send the request directly)?   I am attaching screenshots of JSON structure, export mapping, domain model (created after export mapping),microflow, CALL REST activity and screenshots from POSTMAN.      
3 answers

Yes, have a look at the “Call REST” action. This can be used to call any web visible application, not just REST services, using different HTTP verbs. 

Hope this helps


Hi Petar,

Did you set security right of the REST service your Mendix appliation is calling?

When you test with Postman, the other service sees you as a Client doing a request,

When Mendix does the request it is seen as a Server.

Either adapt the CORS policy in your other service, or whitelist the Mendix application, that should solve your problem.


Hi Petar,

Please change the log level of REST Consume to trace and then you can see the http request. Compare the request of Mendix with Postman.
