How to get the array of boundary coordinates (lat and lng) of a certain location or assets?

Hi Experts, Here I need a  boundary co-ordinates of the particular Assets in Singapore(Hotels, Park, Land, etc..,) by searching their address in the field. I want to extract the boundary coordinates of this location and other locations as well in a JSON file. Is there any API to get the boundary co-ordinates of the particular Assets in the particular location? If yes, kindly please let me know.   Answers are really much appreciated!
2 answers

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That is not really a Mendix question. And it all depends on which maps you use. Take for instance Google Maps. See documentation here:

You need the Map object part. But I do wonder in you could retrieve the boundaries from the Google database. You can use it to create your own boundaries on top of the Google maps data. But my guess is that Google would protect its data and you can not freely retrieve the boundaries that are shown visually to the end user.

Some countries have open databases where you could retrieve such data but I do not know if such databases exist for Singapore.



