I want to integrate GitHub with Mendix ATS without any intermediate tool like Jenkins. So is it possible?

Hi Mendix ATS Users / Mendix Support Team, I would like to know whether we can integrate 'GitHub' with ‘Mendix ATS’ directly without any intermediate tool like 'Jenkins'. The integration of 'GitHub' with 'Mendix ATS' is mainly to run the automated test cases in ‘CI/CD template’ of 'Mendix ATS', when a event (pull, push..etc) happens in 'GitHub'. So is it possible or not?   Thank you
2 answers

You can use Github Actions ( https://github.com/features/actions ) instead of Jenkins to trigger ATS runs via API ( https://docs.mendix.com/addons/ats-addon/rg-two-cicd-api )


Hi Xiwen Cheng,

Thank you the quick update. So what are all the details I need from ‘Mendix ATS’ to mention in ‘GitHub Actions’ for setting up the ‘CI/CD’. And tell me exactly which link I have to follow to do the integration of ‘GitHub’ with ‘Mendix ATS’ for ‘CI/CD’.


Thank You
