Sending data from excel to Mendix to view

Hi,   Recently, I have tried to learn about Mendix “Export to Excel”. Currently, I may stick to use the default Template grid’s “Export to Excel” function. My plan is to have a predict analysis in excel and send back to Mendix to view the result of the prediction.    Is there a way for me to do so? I was told that “it's better to make a connection with PowerBI by using OData, as it has a better send/receive data than Excel”. However, I would like to know if it possible to send data back to Mendix please? I have tried searching but I am unable to find any resources.    If I were to use PowerBi by using OData, may I know how do I use OData? Do I even need to download anything and how do I access it? I am a student and my supervisor wants me to do my work without paying anything, so I am not sure PowerBi free service is able to do what I want. Any kind of advice or suggestion will be very much appreciated. 
2 answers

Hi Andy,

Kindly have a look into the document hope it will be useful for you.



In order to update the data of Excel predictive data to Mendix , you could do manually or dynamically.

Either you import the excel and update the data or using a schedule process run microflow and upload the excel using REST API or ODATA connector. 

There is another way you could do, create an account with Tableau or Power BI and upload excel it creates a script use that  javascript in the Mendix, whenever there is a change in data the Mendix application would change the report. 

Tableaue and Power BI should have free version for students, if you have a student ID.

I hope this answers your question 
