Error with SSO after upgrade to Mx 9.1.1 from 8.18.5

Hi all, I have recently upgraded from Mx 8.18 to Mx 9.1, however the SSO (SAML 2.0) is no longer working and I see the below image. Can anyone explain what is causing this please? I have checked that all constants and all settings are the same as before. The logs are also only showing me:  4:21:04 PMAPPINFOQuestionnaire Webservice: The UK Solicitor Questionnaire for Ref:DWMENDIXTS04 ready to edit 4:21:04 PMAPPINFOSAML_SSO: Success: Successful sign on: dw03962c 4:21:05 PMAPPERRORConnector: 404 - file not found for file: styles/css/lib/lib.css 4:21:05 PMAPPERRORConnector: 404 - file not found for file: mxclientsystem/mxui/ui/mxui.css 4:21:05 PMAPPERRORConnector: 404 - file not found for file: styles/css/custom/custom.css 4:21:05 PMAPPERRORConnector: 404 - file not found for file: lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css
1 answers

The SAML module is not yet Mx9 compatible. Mendix is working on it.



