Not able to send an added record to rest api mapping

Hi,  I am importing a list in an entity through api(import mapping).  I am able to see the the records on the screen as well as i am able to update the existing records with update api(export mapping). And on the main page i have add button onclick it creates the object and shows the fields to add a new record. Now i am able to see the added record on the screen but when i update then the new record is not getting updated in DB. Please let me know what can be wrong ?   {     "CandidateId": 43,     "FirstName": "Name",     "LastName": "Name",     "Phone1": "7658222",     "Phone2": "0987654321",     "Email": "",     "Skype": "",     "WillRelocate": false,     "AskRelocation": false,     "CurrencyType": null,     "ExpectedSalary": 0.0,     "ExpectedHourlyRate": 0.0,     "YearsOfExperience": 0.0,     "CandidateAddress": {         "Address1": "USA",         "Address2": "",         "Address3": null,         "City": "",         "State": "",         "PostalCode": "",         "Country": ""     },     "CandidateEducation": [         {             "CandidateId": 43,             "EducationLevelId": 3,             "EducationLevelDescription": "Diploma",             "EducationMajorId": 199,             "EducationMajorDescription": "Linguistics",             "EducationMajorCategory": "",             "Year": 0,             "Institution": "VIPS",             "Grade": "Grade A"         }     ] }    
1 answers

Is there any validation on this entity that keeps this object from getting committed?

Is there any message in the console/log?
