Occasional 404 - file not found for file: SSO/ error with SAML module

Hi all,    For a while now, we've been having issues with the SSO connection for one of our environments. We're receiving “404 – File not found for file: SSO/”errors while trying to login through SSO (similarly, “sso/” and “sso/assertion/” produce the same results). This happens around half the time we're trying to approach the URL. We're running an application with multiple production nodes, and we're only seeing these issues on a single node. All the apps are running on 2 instances, use the same configuration for SAML and have the same release package deployed. We're currently running version 1.13.0 of the SAML module.    Does anyone have any similar issues with the SAML module or does anyone know how to solve this? 
1 answers

Ok So I found the resolution to this on a post yesterday… and I am trying to find the link to it today but can’t find it. Anyway the solution at least it was for me is to change in Mendix the App Settings Runtime tab the After starup to the microflow SAML20.Startup found in the USE_ME folder and then Move_Me folder of the SAML module. As seen in the attached picture


Once this is set I did a clean deployment directory then Created the Deployment package. I updated then on the mendix service console my app and it’s now Working :) YEAH. Hopefully that will resolve your problem too.
