Error : Failed To Execute Skype Backend Request  Get Thread S2SRequest  while Adding MSTeam Members to the Private channel

Hello Everyone , I am Trying to Add Team Members to the Private channel in MS Teams For that I am Getting this Error ”Failed To Execute Skype Backend Request  Get Thread S2SRequest ”,   I created Ms Team First Added 4 Team Members to the Teams after that i created Private channel and Trying to Add 2 members out of 4 Team Members . I am using the Same Access token for Creating the Project ,Channel and Adding team Members to the Private Channel , and For Now I am giving “Owner” role for All Team Members . I am using this  Doc to Add team Members to the channels  “ “ Any one have idea or Solution for this Will be Helpful Thank you   
1 answers

HI Guru,

Seems like this issue is temporary error when you try to add/update/Delete user to Private channel specifically.

I would suggest to check with MS Team else post question in here.
