Teamcenter Connector couldnt connect

Hello Mendix Community,   Today I was not able to login to Teamcenter through my Mendix connector. Some days before it was working and the server is runnig. Here the error mesage : Failed to load r/e.onerror@http://localhost:8082/widgets/SprintrFeedbackWidget/SprintrFeedback.js?637640935916473099:1:38430   any idea about this issue ?   Kind Regards Raouf
1 answers

Hello Raouf,

I also work with the Teamcenter Connector and this particular error is not related to the connector.
In Mendix Studio Pro attempt a CTRL + G and look for ‘Feedback’.

You might find a “FeedbackWidget_Template” in AtlasUI the feedback widget is loaded there. For some reason this is misfiring not Teamcenter. 

You could also attempt CTRL + F but you’ll get more hits in your search results. 

I would need more information to have a proper solution for this, however if you absolutely do not use this widget, 

you could attempt to remove it (the widget inside the snippet) for a ‘ quickfix ‘
