Consume REST service

I’m new to Mendix and am following this guide: I am using Mendix Pro 9.4.  As I follow this tutorial, I get to secion 4.10 where it states this: In the Map entity ‘Summary’ from schema object element ‘Root dialog box, Set association to Yes and select the RESTconsume_input_Summary for the Association to enable the import mapping to set the association: However, in the dialog box to set the Association that I get, after I double click the Summary object, I don’t have a section in the dialog that says “Set Association”. Why would this be?  How do I proceed with the tutorial so I can test consuming a REST service? This is what my dialog looks like:    
3 answers

You can only choose associations (1..1, 1..n or n..m) that exist in your domain model and that match with your json structure.

So your entity Summary (Root) should have an association in your domain model. 




To answer this question:


“I think section 4.8 is the step I didn't understand, it says this: Double-click Import_mapping in the App Explorer and from the Connector pane, drag Input as the input parameter for the input mapping. Where in the Import Mapping screen do I drop the Input mapping so the association is correct?”



You can drop it anywhere on the Import mapping screen. After that you need to click, Map automatically


As far as step 4.10 goes, you must have missed creating an association and in your case, if no association exists, you don’t have to chose that option.



Did you do step 4.7:

Drag an association from Input to Summary.

That is very likely the association you missed
