Objects not being made in GET request

Hi all! Background: I’m working on a GET request for a project. I need to create objects based on the response. I’ve got a model project someone else has made to work from and that one works perfectly well. I followed written instructions and couldn’t get it to work properly, so I tried to make it a second time as close to the model project as possible to no avail. Issue: The problem I’ve continuously encountered is that a root object is made with the rest call, but the related objects are not made. Info: I’ve checked that the call works in Insomnia (response is perfect there!), I also know it’s not an authentication issue as the call definitely works when I’m debugging. I’ve tried printing the http response content, but that shows up as null. Each time I try to retrieve the needed objects using the associated response object, I get an empty list. Question: Has anyone encountered this before? Does anyone have some advice on what I could do to create the necessary objects?  
2 answers

HI Belle,


Please check your import mapping again, from what I see the response structure doesn't seem to be consistent with the import mapping defined, the Response has VerifiedEscapeRooms collection but your mapping has VerRoom, this might be causing the issue with your list not importing, I would suggest to copy the response structure that you get and update the Import mapping json with that and refresh the import mappings and try. Hope this helps.


I like to put the “result as a string variable” in that case, most of the time it’s helping you to find the problem.
