Vendor hitting exposed rest service is getting an error

Hello Mendix World,   I have an application that will send me data using my exposed rest service. If I impersonate the application and send the data using Postman Agent it works fine. No errors and microflows kick off fine. But when the vendor application sends the data they are getting an error.  ==================== 2022-02-24 15:02:30 Connection ID: 148ab6e3-98ha-46fe-9bb3/ API Key: 6c885aa35bd09hfyge6727b050e0ad514 / Database: Mit_AB03 {"ItemCollection":[{"$type":"Protractor.Shared.NameValuePair, Protractor.Shared.Base","Name":"Vendor","Value":"rmtc"},{"$type":"Protractor.Shared.NameValuePair, Protractor.Shared.Base","Name":"TargetType","Value":"WorkOrder"},{"$type":"Protractor.Shared.NameValuePair, Protractor.Shared.Base","Name":"TargetID","Value":"7bd5d830-268e-4b40-9bb4-492ac45521ac"},{"$type":"Protractor.Shared.NameValuePair, Protractor.Shared.Base","Name":"RecordType","Value":""},{"$type":"Protractor.Shared.NameValuePair, Protractor.Shared.Base","Name":"CallbackURL","Value":""}]} Retry 5 The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. ====================
2 answers

I think you should contact the owners of the vendor application. The message suggests that their server cannot set up a secure connection, but the app is hosted in the Mendix cloud, which is set up correctly to allow secure connections.


My gut feeling tells me this vendor app probably does not support modern TLS version 1.2 or newer. Which is mandatory.
