Email module with templates - placeholders not working

Hi there, I am using Mendix to send notifications with details of a demand to colleagues. I included the Email module with templates and – to a certain extent – this is already working. But I can’t get Mendix to put in placeholders. Here’s what I did: 1- Created an email template 2- set up the placeholders in the email module. Attention: I only (!) set this up in the app itself NOT in Mendix Studio. My understanding was, that this is how it is used to be, otherwise admin users later on – when the app goes live – would need to “hardcode” stuff like this in Studio Pro (which seems to be “against the Mendix philosophy” – at least how I understand it 😁 ) This is how I set up the placeholder itself. The attribute I include here is of datatype “AutoNumber” (it’s the demand’s UID) 3- Then I include the placeholder in both templates (plain text and HTML): this is HTML this is Plain Text   But whatever I do (probably I do something wrong I guess ☺️ ) it does not appear in the email. This is a screenshot from the app backend of the email that was sent: And this is a screenshot of my outlook (which basically receives these mails).  You see, no DemandNumber in there… 
1 answers

Did you do this part while creating your email?

See also

I hope this helps.
