REST calls : non-persistable objects are not mapped in the JSON body

Hi there, Weird bug : I’m calling a REST service, using a hierarchy of non-persistable objects (generated automatically by Mendix based on the JSON payload). The root object is well mapped into JSON, but as soon as there is a 1-many relationship with other non-persistable objects, they’re not mapped into JSON, just like if they didn’t exist… The only workaround I found was to retrieve each of these objects prior calling the REST service (without changing any of their content), and by doing so, the mapper converts them into JSON … Anyone had this issue ?  NB: the hierarchy of non-persistable objects comes from the client side  I tried to commit these objects, but it doesn’t change anything even weirder : even if the execution flow is not going through the “retrieve” actions, the payload is well mapped into JSON ! but if I remove the “retrieve actions” from the code, the payload is not okay. wtf   My non-persistable objects : the original microflow : Which leads to this payload :  {   "message": "this is a test",   "redirect_url": "",   "is_ordered": false,   "embedded_signing": true } But if I change the microflow into this (the test is hard coded to “false”, so the flow doesn’t go into retrieve actions ...) : Then the payload becomes : {   "sources": [     {       "id": 57322315,       "type": "original",       "source_id": 1     }   ],   "message": "this is a test",   "recipients": [     {       "email": "",       "first_name": "Francois",       "last_name": "Lecomte",       "recipient_id": 1     }   ],   "redirect_url": "",   "is_ordered": false,   "embedded_signing": true }    
2 answers

Indeed: WTF. Normal behavior does map all objects and their attributes.

I did  and mf Test_Mapping and the payload was fine and complete, like this


Likely the problem resides in the passing of the data from the client-side. Like you say: “the hierarchy of non-persistable objects comes from the client side“. What do you mean by that. From a react-widget? Very likely the technique used to pass the data from the client-side, does not put the entire tree structure in memory, until it is specifically requested, and apparently an export mapping does not trigger this.


hi there,

This bug is fixed in Mendix 9.15
