Call REST Input Mapping

I need to map the JSON response to an entity but when I get to the place where the output entity should be the only option is to map to a variable.  Version 9.13.0 (drop-down stopped at 9.9) From a video:   WHAT I SEE:   How do I see the first picture so it will map to my JSON structure?  
3 answers

You first need to select an import mapping.


Sorry I didn’t include that. When I do that I am not sure about the rest (no pun intended...)

  1. Was the mapping.
  2. When I re-arranged stuff on the mapping this filled in for me. (Previously it would not populate.)
  3. WHAT variable name are they looking for? I want the entire array. I gave it the object level name but it does not work (or I don’t know how to use it...)


Thank you. 

The problem I had was that nothing was getting through.  After additional trial and error i managed to get the data through. I am getting a blank first row, but I think I can deal with that.
