Microsoft Graph API - Mapping additional fields in response

Hi, I am currently working on creating a custom teams integration which allows users to create teams based on projects. In the initial creation, instead of a normal json reply, you recieve a content-location to a specific place because the process is done async. I have been looking for a way to map this information but i am stuck trying to figure it out.   The reply we recieve back is : HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Content-Type: application/json Location: /teams('dbd8de4f-5d47-48da-87f1-594bed003375')/operations('3a6fdce1-c261-48bc-89de-1cfef658c0d5') Content-Location: /teams('dbd8de4f-5d47-48da-87f1-594bed003375') Content-Length: 0   Now i know ofcourse how to normally map things but in this case, mapping the http response will now get me the location attribute, nor does it work to try and get it as json since that isnt the format.   The rest of the Graph API all sends back a json response except this one. Anyone ever dealt with this and knows how to map the additional data send back?
1 answers

Well, just found the solution for my own problem. In case anyone ever has this issue:

The names shown are stored in the http response headers.


You can get them by storing the output as a httpresponse and then retrieve the headers list by retrieve over association. Use a find action to find the one you need and use a string action to get the id from the data.
