PDF generation

I have issue with PDF generation that docs are available on mendix guide is not enough to create PDF can any one guide me that how can we generate PDF in mendix . Basically I want to save a form and send that same data via email to user who is filling up that form in the form of PDF. 
1 answers

Hi Nisha,


Have you followed the mendix guide:

Creating Your Own Documentshttps://docs.mendix.com/refguide/creating-your-own-documents/


In this doc. you can see the basics steps:


To send to Email, you will need another Module, like : https://docs.mendix.com/appstore/modules/email-with-templates/

  • After you downaload this modulo from Market place
  • You have to setup a Email Template and your SMTP Id stuff
  • Follow the sample Microflow in it to send a mail!




I hope this helps!


Best regards



