Error message when creating a report with Excel Exporter

Hello, when creating a report using Excel Exporter module, an error message results. The details are: I created a simple report, retrieving only 2 columns from a single entity.   When creating the report, it comes back with following message:   Could you please advise?
3 answers

Hi Arno,

There are Few things that I can notice here, 

  1. You should change the Template Configuration
  2.  The input object of the template should be  your $CustomExcel Entity and then the Row object should be your Shipment Entity. All the shipment objects should be associated with $CustomExcel object before you are calling the java action.
  3. Now both the output document and Input object in the java action will be Same which is $CustomExcel

I have now created a new report with the built-in generator, and now it works.

Thanks for assisting.


I am sorry bothering you, but the problem persists with a new report. The (top of the) stack-trace is:
com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.core.CoreException: Cannot create excel, because the inputobject isn't given. Expect: MyFirstModule.Shipment
    at XLSReport.GenerateReport (JavaAction : 'GenerateExcelDoc')

Advanced stacktrace:
    at com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowUtil.processException(

The referred microflow is:


And the settings of the Java-action are:


These are the standard settings of the MxExcel module.

Could you please advise?
