SSO with Azure AD using SAML - Logout Issue

Hello Experts,   I have integrated SSO with Azure AD using SAML. It was successful but I am facing an issue when the user logged in successfully and when he tries to logout, the application by default get’s logged in.   When user log’s out I am signing out(using javascript action) and re directing to the same Azure login page (domain/SSO – which give me the Azure login page).   But it’s getting logged in automatically, I really not sure why this behaviour is happening. Any Idea?   Answers are really much appreciated!
2 answers

Hi Arun, 


I have achieved this with the help of a URL redirector and I have integrated SSO with OAuth


Redirect the user to the below URL{yourappurl}/p/SSO


I hope this helps you 





Hi Meera, 

We havn’t used anu module from App Store. 

It was a custom module which we built for our application
