Email delivery status

We have a business need to display to the user the email delivery status, i.e. if the email has reached the destination mail server. Reading the documentation for Email Connector (, it’s not clear if the Return Type indicates if the email has been accepted by the source mail server or the destination mail server.    Does anyone has experience with this using the Email Connector? How do you recommend to retrieve the delivery status? 
2 answers

Hello Fei,
As of the most recent version, v3.0.0. Return Type of "Send Email" action shows whether the source mail server has accepted the email. And the events that occur after an email is submitted to the server are not currently being tracked.



You could set up the Email Connector to also get incoming mail. That way you’ll receive error emails like you would in any other email client, but it has it’s disadvantages. I’m not sure how you would connect an error reply to a sent email in your app for example.

A better way imho would be to set up sending email via Sendgrid. You can enter a webhook url for bounces (and other events) in Sendgrid and point that to a published REST service in your app. This way you don’t need to monitor incoming email but you can change an email status in your app when you receive bounces. It’s a lot of work to set up, but it’s reliable and feature rich.
