Relay state exceeds 80 bytes

Hey there,   our users can access our application via a deeplink, after which they are redirected to SSO. The link is configured as $RootapplicationURL/link/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. This link works when using it without SSO (manual login and then triggering the link). However, when the user is not yet logged in, after being redirected to SSO, we get the following log message:   14:49:10APPINFOSAML_SSO: Continuation parameter found, relayState is now: _0c3ba027-0b42-4c63-9501-a6dbfebc6510_link/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 14:49:10APPINFO[Thread-65] WARN org.opensaml.saml.common.binding.SAMLBindingSupport - Relay state exceeds 80 bytes: _0c3ba027-0b42-4c63-9501-a6dbfebc6510_link/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The deeplink on its own is shorter than 80 bytes, however because of the added parameter the relaystate exceeds 80 bytes   The sign-in process gets stuck in a loop and crashes, eventually. Does anyone know if this process of adding the parameter to the relaystate happens on the SP (SAML Module?) or IDP side, and maybe how to avoid or solve this?   Working with Mendix 9.6.14 and SAML 3.2.5. Thanks in advance!
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