Kafka Module not supporting byte[] data for value

Hi,   Kafka (https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/105878) app module not supporting byte[] data for value to send over topics.  Can anyone help us with guidance to achieve this capability ?   Here is the attached screenshot for error in Java file SendSynchronous.java. Also attaching screenshot for SendSynchronous java action details from Mendix.   If possible please provide me reference to any such code to send byte[] data in value part of the request.  
1 answers

See my answer here.


The relevant part:


“We had to modify the Mendix supplied Kafka module, but the changes were fairly straightforward. I duplicated a number of files and modified them to be able to handle avro messages:

  • SendSynchronous and SendAsynchronous
  • StartConsumer and StartProducer
  • StopProducer
  • KafkaConsumerRepository and KafkaProducerRepository
  • ConsumerRunner


The modifications in these files were mainly concerned with a different type: KafkaProducer<String, String> to KafkaProducer<String, byte[]>  kafkaProducer. ... Once you have modified these files, the configuration options provided by the module are enough to make this work.”
