The process for assigning custom properties on item revisions is as follows:
I tried to generalize two entities (one for CompndCreateInput and one for CreateInput) and added attributes to these entities. In the microflow I changed the entities for mines, but each extra attribute give me an error.
I don’t know if I’m working in the correct way.
I saw something like I have to map the attributes from TeamCenter, but I don’t know where to find them in TcConnector domain model.
I don’t have access to Teamcenter to create new properties. I’m working with Active Workspace.
It is possible to do it from there?
Thanks a lot!
Oh, OK. Thanks for your answer!!
There are properties in Teamcenter that you can set during creation of objects and then there are properties that you cannot set during creation. It may be that you are dealing with properties that fall in the latter category.
In that case, what you need to do is to:
1. Create the object with the properties you are allowed to set on creation
2. Update the object with the properties you are not allowed to set on creation